2025 Survey Schedule / Price

To assist you in scheduling your resources for the survey input, the following timeline is provided:

April 14th – Survey opens and questionnaire to be sent to those who have registered to participate;

June 13th – Survey questionnaire input deadline for participants;

August 22nd – Survey report published and distributed to participants.


Participants Survey Report Price

Each organization that participates in this year’s annual survey will receive the comprehensive E-version survey report for $1225. The E-version can be used for uploading survey data to the organization’s human resources information system (HRIS) at your campus only.


Non-Participants Survey Report Price

Those organizations who do not participate in the survey will be able to purchase the survey report one time only as a non-participant; thereafter, they must participate to obtain a copy of the report. The cost of the E-version Survey Report for a non-participant is $1995.



It is our firm’s policy to allow a non-participating organization to purchase the Survey Report one time only, thereafter, they must participate to obtain a copy of the report.